My School!
The school I attened to now is a good school in my opion. For example,the school community is okay. The work is not that bad and the teacher teach. As a freshman i cant really say much but its been a good expirence so far. The school in genaral is a good school.
- First, The school work is not bad its acually very easy if you follow the directions.Also we dont get homework often we usally jus have classwork. But if you dont finish the classwork that would be your homework.
- Second, The sports aplied at my school are not that many choice but is the common sports people play. Such as basketball, there are a lot of kids that play basketball and love the game. Only 3 out of many students made it to the NBA.
- Third, The uniform is perfect. The colors are a good choice and you are allowed to wear any shoe you want. But your not allowed to wear other hoodies. Only the school hoddies and sweates.